Tuesday, July 28, 2015

YO!! Better backside with a step up!

The step up is steptacular. It is easy. It is hard.
Like most things, FORM is the key. This is a great complimentary exercise to do with squats. Single leg squats (aka lunges) are very difficult and this is a good alternative.

Now before you get all…. My knees, my back…. Geesh people calm down, we are gonna have FORM and you are gonna be amazeballs.

SO pic 1: FULL FOOT… look at your foot, is it ALL THE WAY ON THE BENCH? Really, all the way? Your heal needs to be completely on the bench so that you can press your heal into the bench. This is the most common mistake: you don’t actually put your full foot on the bench so you have your weight in your toes, causes you to lean forward, causes your knee to align past your toes, and causes more knee pain and back pain….
So this whole foot on the bench thing is pretty important
Get your foot on the flippity flappity bench
Then it is simple, climb up on the bench.

Check out picture second set of pics: these are for when you cannot get up without hoisting, jarring, swinging or dying... The alternative 

Picture 1 second set: This is a great alternative... See how I am using the back of the bench to help? Yep... But let's look at the form... I am leaning over the bench, but my foot is still flat and my knee is not forward... Pic 4 shows BAD YUCKY NASTY form that is common :( the knee is way far forward... the heal is up... the back is arched.... 
avoid being pic 4!!!

Look at the second set pic one.... chin up, back flat, heal down, knee back... then BOTH pic 2's show slight variation of heal, BUT they are down, back flat, knee back!! It is totally doable.

The key to avoid looking like 3 and 4 is to use the leg to lift you up NOT the arms :)

So here is your workout (aka round):

2 min walk/jog
10 step ups right, 10 step ups left
2 min walk/run
15 step ups right, 15 step ups left
3 min walk/run
20 step ups right, 20 step ups left
5-7 walk/run

and repeat that bad boy:
beginner try for three rounds
intermediate 5 rounds
advanced 7 rounds

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