Thursday, July 23, 2015

What the Squat man..

Squats.... almost my fav exercise
Burpees always win, mainly because everyone  hates them, they are hard and well when you are done (whether it is one or 75, you feel like a bad ass).

But squats are amazeballs

and since have a big firm booty is all the rage EVERY ONE WANTS TO DO THEM

but then I hear how they hurt my knees, they hurt my back, I can't do them. 
Honestly, everyone has an excuse as to why they can't.... you need to find your WHY YOU CAN.

Or your "HOW CAN I NOT?"

You need a simple squat solution.

Guess what I have?? A simple squat solution.
Back when dirt was new, we called these "sissy squats".. It is a reference to being a "sissy" and not being able to do a squat properly.
Well, I can do a squat quite well, and honestly, the sissy squat is amazing! 

you engage the butt
you protect the knees
you protect the back

Pic 1 shows standing..(duh) I am standing with my feet a little wider than hip width. I am pretty close to the bar I am holding... (btw, you can hold any fixed object... a tree, column at your house, stair case rail... as long as you can hold on to it, it works :)
Anyway  pic 1 I am standing, holding on to the bar, feet a little wider than hip distance.

pic 2 is the squat. notice that my arms have weight in them.. you can tell I am holing on, BUT I am not leaning INTO the pole, in fact, I am leaning OUT of it! my knees are behind my forefoot (they are over my heals), my back is TALL, eyes and head are forward facing :) check out those knees and feet again.... they are in a line.... my knees are not bowing out, caving in, my heals are DOWN :)

Pic 3 is an advanced option... look at those feet, look at them: the are TOUCHING!!! OMG!!! this is a great advanced move :) ~~ the thing with bringing your feet in close to each other is this: you need to keep your feet and knees in the same line.  

(side note.... even as a trainer I fail and fall: look at that flabby arm. It happens, I eat dirty and indulge more than I should... but like YOU, I am going to get back at it!)

here's your work out:
Monday   Wednesday   Friday:
10 sissy squats
20 jumping jacks
10 sissy squats
20 jumping jacks
10 sissy squats
20 jumping jacks

do this "set" 3 times as a beginner and try to progress to 10 sets over the course of 30 days!!!!

You got this!!!!!

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