Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Where do I even START?

All day, Everyday;
 I get asked how to I loose this?

Your 'THIS' and your best friends 'THIS' could be the same, could be different... You might think your belly is too big, or your thighs or maybe it's your chinie-chin-chin.... But it is the thing you don't like about YOU!

It's been said, "simply put, to loose weight, get up and move and eat better!
To gain weight, get up and move and eat better!"

I wish it were that easy, but let's see if we can make it easier :)

Pick one thing that you really want to change in your life that will actually change your HEALTH:
I want to drink less soda
I want to walk everyday
I want to go to bed at a decent hour
I want to eat healthier
I want to spend more time with my kids
I want to balance my check book

There are a ton of things that you probably want to do and the list can be overwhelming.... so
break it down and and pick one or two things.....

I want to drink less soda and spend more times with my kids....
COOL, let's tackle that.
If you drink 3 soda's a day..... 1 in the morning, 1 at lunch and 1 at dinner...... Let's do 1 in the morning, 1/2 at lunch (add water) and 1/2 at dinner...... and at dinner......
Turn off the tv and have an actual conversation with your kids..... 

when you drink 1/2 of the soda, THROW THE OTHER HALF AWAY. Don't save it, if you save it, you will drink it. So THROW IT AWAY. 
At dinner when you have 1/2 a soda and convo with your kiddos, you have been uber successful for the day!

focus on the positive
focus on the positive

focus on the positive

focus on the positive

focus on the positive

We are so hard on ourselves..... We can't see that having one less soda a day as a victory.... we WANT to get the soda out of our lives/diet etc so we stop cold turkey, and unless you are the odd person who ACTUALLY has tremendous will-power, you will FAIL... and I want you to SUCCEED!!

So look at what you accomplished that day.... one less soda and time with your kids!!

It sounds like "DUH!" but it is hard to incorporate..... people are comfortable, people are content and people are scared of change...

You know who is not comfortable, content and scared of change.... that person is an oddity, that person is probably a person you may not like them..... but that let's not let THEM ruin YOU


So keep it simple, pick ONE, maybe TWO things MAX you want to change this week and do it.

After you are successful for a week, add another, just one, thing to what you want to change!!

Now decide what it is and start NOW, then feel good about the choice you made the success you just achieved!

Decker :)

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