Monday, March 23, 2015

Make it a habit...

Not so much a "workout", I know... BUT really good info on HOW to make healthy lifestyle!

In about a two months you can make habit that is healthy. That is reality, and we want quick-fix-right-now-I-have-a-date….. but it is going to take you a min to develop the HABIT of exercise….. HOWEVER, it doesn't  take long to get your butt of the couch and moving.
You can make it happen, you have to do more than WANT it.. you actually have to do it.. But I get it, kids; work; bills; church; volunteer work; Netflix.. There is so much out there to distract us.
If you are brand new, trying again, starting over, rethinking that 5lb bag of M&M’s or trying to get back into shape… I got you.. we got this and you can do it….

Give yourself a present
What is your special treat? Something you love love love, but don’t ever do? New dress? Pedicure? Movie? Everyone has something that they LOVE when they get, but don’t do it very often….. SO set a goal for a month…. That is 4 weeks… NOT A WEIGHT LOSS GOAL… something that is easily measured and when you do it, TREAT YOUR SELF! 
Goal Ideas:    I will work out for at least 30 min 3 days a week
                                    I will try a new exercise once a week
                                    I will do 10 sit ups every day J

Date Night
We love friends, we are social people. We feel awkward alone. SO, make your workout a date night, a girls night out, an adult play date! A trainer (yes you have to pay for that “date”) is a good option for the newbie… Maybe you don’t have friends or a spouse who wants to work out.. IDK, but fitpro’s love it! Group Exercise is a great option as well. When you make a plan, aka a date, you are more likely to stick to it because you are obligated by another person and don’t want to let them down!

Be Accountable
We are bad at not being responsible. We make our kids eat their dinner while we skip it. Limit their TV time, but serial Netflix. We meet deadlines at work, and accomplish goals for OTHERS all the time… be accountable for your goal you set. Write down your goal. Set the alarm on your phone to remind you. Work with a fitpro, a trainer, you pay for that hour, she won’t give you your money back, so you will go!

Stay Fueled
EAT. That sounds simple, but is it really? Do you eat enough when you are deciding to get fit? You have to fuel your body to get it to work properly. If you are not eating (healthier please) then your body will respond by NOT LETTING YOU LOSE WEIGHT!
What kind of cruel design is that? Yep, sucks. You have to eat.

Stop Making Up Excuses
That sounds harsh, but it is reality. We have “reasons” for everything. But the truth is, if you want to do it, you will find a way. My best girlfriend over commits herself at her kids schools, to the point that when she had no kids in middle school, she still volunteered, “because no one else would”. So she had no time for herself, her house, her husband. Say no to the crap that is bogging you down and make time for the things that improve your life! If you don’t stay at work until 9pm, the world will not end, I assure you. If you are so bad at your job that it takes you 80 hours a week, get a new profession. If your volunteer life takes up your day from sun up to sundown, say no. It is not selfish to exercise, it prolongs your life and greatly improves the quality of the life you have now!

Keep it Simple
There is no need to make your workout so complicated that you have to have a PhD in Physics and Human Anatomy to figure out that move. Jumping jacks, push ups, squats, high knees, your favorite dance class… these are all things that work… You don’t have to maneuver around a Bosu ball while doing Burpee flips… I mean come on… start off simple! Play your favorite music from elementary school and enjoy it!

Rename your activity
I have to go workout sounds so dreadful…..Call it whatever you want…. Schedule your PLAY TIME, instead of your “workout” playtime sounds fun…. Call it your getting sexy time, or sweat ready, or death by cardio… something that will make you laugh, make you look at it like a new fun thing instead of a punishment.

Find Your Inspiration
Make a cool inspiration board! It sounds silly, but seeing WHY you are having playtime encourages you to want to do it! Put it on your wall, bathroom mirror… I dare you to make it your wallpaper on your phone!

Now get out there and make this happen. A healthy life is one of the least selfish things you can do. You improve your life, lower your medical costs, live a more active life with your kids (you are not too tired to play), will help with your personal life and honors God, you have to take care of the body He gave you! 

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