Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ahh push ups...push ups real good!

Arms that are shapely, upper body that is strong and a good core is what you want. I know this, you've told me.

Push ups

They do this, they are hard, complicated BUT effective!!

All push ups have the same form. hands are wider than shoulder width and at CHEST (nipple) level. Core is tight and hips stay ever so slightly elevated (A great way to get the correct height is to imagine you have on a fanny pack)

Let's start with beginner push ups:
hands on the counter feet behind you, and lower your chest to the counter. By Chest.. I mean mid chest aka nipple level... LITERALLY AND FOR REAL have your chest TOUCH the counter.

Do 20 of these (20 reps) 5 times (5 sets)

When the first three sets start to get easy (and remember your chest is touching the counter every time) move to a lower object... coffee table, couch etc.

Once you have run out of furniture options, time to move to the ground.

The first Push ups on the floor will be done on your knees (even if you are a boy!)

Lie completely on the floor (belly down)

Place your hands are your chest (aka nipple) height and move out away from your body. Palms flat.

Bend at the knee joint so that the feet are about 6-12 inches off the floor.

Elevate your hips so that your imaginary fanny pack fits.

Keep your hips slightly up and push your body all the way up..

Do 20 reps: 3-5 sets

When this is easy... time to move on to "real" push ups... which BTW is stupid to say because all of these are push ups... but, traditionally, we call these "real push ups"  WHAT EVER

Lie completely on the floor (belly down)

Place your hands are your chest (aka nipple) height and move out away from your body. Palms flat.

Flex your feet, weight in your toes.

Elevate your hips so that your imaginary fanny pack fits.

Keep your hips slightly up and push your body all the way up.

Focus on your victories with Push Ups.... They are HARD. Discouragement comes easily... ignore it, If you do 2 counter push ups Monday and 3 on Friday: WAY TO GO that is a good accomplishment!

Keep at it and you will succeed!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Booty Showing Season is almost here...HELP!!

Well, booty showing off season is almost here! Even if you surpass the daisy duke days or are a conservative dresser, you know you will be in a bathing suit and wearing less than the winter days... So let's get some great Butt-specific exercises done!! 

Donkey Kicks. Start on all fours, hands shoulder-width and knees hip-width apart. Keeping one knee on the floor, weight evenly distributed in the both hands and the other knee about 2 inches in from the hip joint. Squeeze your glutes, pulling the heal towards the ceiling, notice the knee keeps its 90 degree angle through the entire motion. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat this 15 to 20 times and switch legs! (photo pbfingers)
Hydrant. HAHAHAHA, I am immature and this name makes me laugh! Again, begin on all fours, hands shoulder-width and knees hip-width apart. Keep one knee on the floor, weight evenly distributed in the both hands. The other knee lifts, from the hip joint, to the side until your inner thigh is parallel with the floor. It is important that you do not rotate through the spine and avoid drawing the knee any closer to the chest. You may not be able to get the leg parallel to the floor, that is okayReturn to the starting position with your knee only slightly off the floor. Repeat this 15- 20 times and then switch legs.

Chair Kicks. These are similar to the donkey kick, however, the base leg (one on the floor) will also get a little workout while stabilizing.. Get a chair and face it away from you. Stand a little less than arms-length away with your feet hip width and hold the chair for balance. Lift your leg behind you, keeping the knee of the base leg “soft” (about a 5% degree bend. Squeeze your glutes and make sure to keep your hips square to the chair. Raise your leg as high as you can, WITHOUT ARCHING THE BACK, then lower to the starting position. Repeat this move 15-20 times and switch legs. (PIC CREDITS ARE PBFINGERS AND CHRISTIAN CARL)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Make it a habit...

Not so much a "workout", I know... BUT really good info on HOW to make healthy lifestyle!

In about a two months you can make habit that is healthy. That is reality, and we want quick-fix-right-now-I-have-a-date….. but it is going to take you a min to develop the HABIT of exercise….. HOWEVER, it doesn't  take long to get your butt of the couch and moving.
You can make it happen, you have to do more than WANT it.. you actually have to do it.. But I get it, kids; work; bills; church; volunteer work; Netflix.. There is so much out there to distract us.
If you are brand new, trying again, starting over, rethinking that 5lb bag of M&M’s or trying to get back into shape… I got you.. we got this and you can do it….

Give yourself a present
What is your special treat? Something you love love love, but don’t ever do? New dress? Pedicure? Movie? Everyone has something that they LOVE when they get, but don’t do it very often….. SO set a goal for a month…. That is 4 weeks… NOT A WEIGHT LOSS GOAL… something that is easily measured and when you do it, TREAT YOUR SELF! 
Goal Ideas:    I will work out for at least 30 min 3 days a week
                                    I will try a new exercise once a week
                                    I will do 10 sit ups every day J

Date Night
We love friends, we are social people. We feel awkward alone. SO, make your workout a date night, a girls night out, an adult play date! A trainer (yes you have to pay for that “date”) is a good option for the newbie… Maybe you don’t have friends or a spouse who wants to work out.. IDK, but fitpro’s love it! Group Exercise is a great option as well. When you make a plan, aka a date, you are more likely to stick to it because you are obligated by another person and don’t want to let them down!

Be Accountable
We are bad at not being responsible. We make our kids eat their dinner while we skip it. Limit their TV time, but serial Netflix. We meet deadlines at work, and accomplish goals for OTHERS all the time… be accountable for your goal you set. Write down your goal. Set the alarm on your phone to remind you. Work with a fitpro, a trainer, you pay for that hour, she won’t give you your money back, so you will go!

Stay Fueled
EAT. That sounds simple, but is it really? Do you eat enough when you are deciding to get fit? You have to fuel your body to get it to work properly. If you are not eating (healthier please) then your body will respond by NOT LETTING YOU LOSE WEIGHT!
What kind of cruel design is that? Yep, sucks. You have to eat.

Stop Making Up Excuses
That sounds harsh, but it is reality. We have “reasons” for everything. But the truth is, if you want to do it, you will find a way. My best girlfriend over commits herself at her kids schools, to the point that when she had no kids in middle school, she still volunteered, “because no one else would”. So she had no time for herself, her house, her husband. Say no to the crap that is bogging you down and make time for the things that improve your life! If you don’t stay at work until 9pm, the world will not end, I assure you. If you are so bad at your job that it takes you 80 hours a week, get a new profession. If your volunteer life takes up your day from sun up to sundown, say no. It is not selfish to exercise, it prolongs your life and greatly improves the quality of the life you have now!

Keep it Simple
There is no need to make your workout so complicated that you have to have a PhD in Physics and Human Anatomy to figure out that move. Jumping jacks, push ups, squats, high knees, your favorite dance class… these are all things that work… You don’t have to maneuver around a Bosu ball while doing Burpee flips… I mean come on… start off simple! Play your favorite music from elementary school and enjoy it!

Rename your activity
I have to go workout sounds so dreadful…..Call it whatever you want…. Schedule your PLAY TIME, instead of your “workout” playtime sounds fun…. Call it your getting sexy time, or sweat ready, or death by cardio… something that will make you laugh, make you look at it like a new fun thing instead of a punishment.

Find Your Inspiration
Make a cool inspiration board! It sounds silly, but seeing WHY you are having playtime encourages you to want to do it! Put it on your wall, bathroom mirror… I dare you to make it your wallpaper on your phone!

Now get out there and make this happen. A healthy life is one of the least selfish things you can do. You improve your life, lower your medical costs, live a more active life with your kids (you are not too tired to play), will help with your personal life and honors God, you have to take care of the body He gave you! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

No time, but want the flabby flabby gone?!

Something simple and effective

well, honestly it is almost ALL simple.... once you know how.

but for today, for now....

attempt 5 sets  (attempt) is the key here.. If you only get 3, that is okay.. in 2 days try again and try for 4 :)

10 reverse flys

10 pec flys

20 jumping jacks
30 sec recovery

that is your set :)

attempt it 5 times :)

Don't forget to stretch!!!

For more info check out

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Simple Beginner Workout
I get asked all day every day what should I start out with….. well there is a complicated answer and then there is the “routine”. Most people want the what not the why, so we will start with the what then go to the why.

When, What Day ??
Super easy ~~ You can start ANY DAY If it is The Off day… Do Cardio 
Monday Workout A               Tuesday Cardio               Wednesday Workout B               Thursday Cardio
          Friday Workout A                 Saturday Cardio              Sunday OFF
Monday Workout BT             Tuesday Cardio               Wednesday Workout A                Thursday Cardio
          Friday Workout B                 Saturday Cardio               Sunday OFF

If you miss a day, that is OKAY. Just pick back up where you left off!!

The Workouts AKA “A” and “B”

10 Squats and 20 Jumping Jacks 
     Repeat 5 times
1 min rest

10 Push-Ups and 20 high knees
     Repeat 5 times
1 min rest

30 Second Plank and 30 mountain climbers
     Repeat 5 times

10 Dead lifts and 20 Jumping Jacks 
     Repeat 5 times
1 min rest

10 Triceps Push-Ups and 20 high knees
     Repeat 5 times
1 min rest

30 Second Side Plank and 30 mountain climbers
     Repeat 6 times (three each side

The “why”~ these are moves that are compound, functional and will work out the whole body. FORM is the #1 thing.. Many people are scared to squat… well sweets, you get in and out of a seated position A LOT…. That is a squat.  

Squat: Sit in a chair, feet shoulder width, CHEST HIGH and stand, then sit and on and on….

Push-ups: use the edge of your couch, a wide chair, your bed… that is where your hands will go, as wide as you can comfortably handle. As you decline (go down) your CHEST AT NIPPLE LEVEL will physically TOUCH the furniture…

Plank: start on your elbows and knees.. NOT your knee caps, but the meaty part of the thigh JUST above the knee cap. Make sure your elbows are under your shoulders.. if you look straight down and see your hands, that is a good sign you have good form. If you do not feel anything in your “core” then you have bad arm position.

Deadlift: feet slightly wider than shoulder width, try to keep your legs as straight as possible (your knees will naturally bend) keep your chest lifted, rib cage off your stomach and lower yourself (at the waist) until your hand reach your knees. Then stand back up. Do this EXTREEMLY SLOW~ like cound to 10 on your way down and back up.

Triceps Push-up: everything you did for the push up BUT your hands are shoulder width or closer

Side Plank: just like a plank, but, you guessed it, on your side. This can be tricky… keep your hips pushed forward as you balance on your “knee” and elbow 

What about if it is too easy….. we call that progression.
As a beginner, you will make progress pretty quickly (if you are consistant) because beginners are just more capable of progressing than anyone else.
So, make sure you do. The more advanced you get, the slower the progression will be. Take advantage of it while you can.
When what you are doing is easy… make it harder… best way to increase resistance (make it harder) is to go deeper…
For example:
**Squat and deadlift deeper
**Lower the angle (pick a shorter piece of furniture) for Push ups
**Go to your hands then feet for plank

Here is a little bonus for you :)

Where do I even START?

All day, Everyday;
 I get asked how to I loose this?

Your 'THIS' and your best friends 'THIS' could be the same, could be different... You might think your belly is too big, or your thighs or maybe it's your chinie-chin-chin.... But it is the thing you don't like about YOU!

It's been said, "simply put, to loose weight, get up and move and eat better!
To gain weight, get up and move and eat better!"

I wish it were that easy, but let's see if we can make it easier :)

Pick one thing that you really want to change in your life that will actually change your HEALTH:
I want to drink less soda
I want to walk everyday
I want to go to bed at a decent hour
I want to eat healthier
I want to spend more time with my kids
I want to balance my check book

There are a ton of things that you probably want to do and the list can be overwhelming.... so
break it down and and pick one or two things.....

I want to drink less soda and spend more times with my kids....
COOL, let's tackle that.
If you drink 3 soda's a day..... 1 in the morning, 1 at lunch and 1 at dinner...... Let's do 1 in the morning, 1/2 at lunch (add water) and 1/2 at dinner...... and at dinner......
Turn off the tv and have an actual conversation with your kids..... 

when you drink 1/2 of the soda, THROW THE OTHER HALF AWAY. Don't save it, if you save it, you will drink it. So THROW IT AWAY. 
At dinner when you have 1/2 a soda and convo with your kiddos, you have been uber successful for the day!

focus on the positive
focus on the positive

focus on the positive

focus on the positive

focus on the positive

We are so hard on ourselves..... We can't see that having one less soda a day as a victory.... we WANT to get the soda out of our lives/diet etc so we stop cold turkey, and unless you are the odd person who ACTUALLY has tremendous will-power, you will FAIL... and I want you to SUCCEED!!

So look at what you accomplished that day.... one less soda and time with your kids!!

It sounds like "DUH!" but it is hard to incorporate..... people are comfortable, people are content and people are scared of change...

You know who is not comfortable, content and scared of change.... that person is an oddity, that person is probably a person you may not like them..... but that let's not let THEM ruin YOU


So keep it simple, pick ONE, maybe TWO things MAX you want to change this week and do it.

After you are successful for a week, add another, just one, thing to what you want to change!!

Now decide what it is and start NOW, then feel good about the choice you made the success you just achieved!

Decker :)

Cardio for your BOOTY

How annoyed are you with fat booty..... 
Mine annoys me
but more over is the person who thinks that a booty is fat and the more fat you have the better your booty is.

no ma'am

fat is fat, and if you like fat, cool... If you are a man who likes a heavy woman, cool.... but acknowledge that there is JLo booty and then there is just a fat gal with a wide behind....

now that you are irritated and pissed.... get over it, because it is how I feel and you can feel differently....

So if you are doing squats, bridges, lunges, etc,..... all the RIGHT  things to grow your booty, don't forget to add your cardio so that you can burn that fat off and ROCK THE BIG-OLE-BOOTY!


It really does help lean you, I know HIIT Training is all the rage, crossfit etc.... and yes I am guilty of this phenomenon, but dude....


that means at least 21 min of strenuous activity... 
jump rope
walking (super duper fast)
skating (fastaly..:) )
etc.... get your heart rate up pretty darn high and keep it there for 21 min.

Now that all the professional trainers are mad b/c I said "keep it darn high"

Get over it

You know I am right, the regular person doesn't understand hr% so let's just say "darn high" and agree to disagree that it is a great way to describe how hard to work :)

Before I head off into yet another rant.........

Let me say



Biggest complaint from the average person is that they do not see results.

My answer~ you get out of it what you put in

So you see your trainer 1 time a week and you “die” or you get tired and stop

Twice a week you do a simple dance class (NOT A HARD ONE) and even there… you don’t really push yourself…

You eat worse than I do (and that is a challenge) or You don’t eat enough

What you need is a Kickstart, something that challenges you, something easy enough to do on your own, something that you can do EVERYDAY~~
At first it will be hard, you will want to quit, you will probably even CHEAT YOURSELF and say you did 10, but you know you did 7….. But tomorrow, you will do it again, and every day and THIS WILL BECOME EASY---

                                   10 burpees
25 high knees
25 butt kickers
10 squats
10 jump squats

Seriously it does not matter if this workout is a one hour workout for you, an all day ordeal or something you are able to accomplish is 45 seconds.
This is intense
This is challenging
This is what you NEED
