Saturday, November 21, 2015

I wanna go outside... what do I do?!?!?!

Cooler weather means you actually WANT to go outside, but now you don’t know what to do.

Run--why are you running? I hate running, I do not understand why anyone would ever want to run. If a zombie apocalypse ever happens, I will quickly become one of them. I know this because I do not run. I mean don’t get me wrong, I will stand and fight, but eventually I am gonna flat out die because I won’t run. 

Anyway, back to reality… no zombie’s today…
It is nice outside so you want to go enjoy it!
Do it. Don’t worry about if you are doing it “right” what is that even, doing it right… I mean if you get off your lazy butt and head outside for a snails pace walk around the block you burned more calories than sitting around thinking about what you COULD do outside.
If it is your first adventure outside, don’t start with 25 burpees 50 jump squats and walking lunges around the block… just GET THE HECK UP AND MOVE. Seriously it is not that hard.
But I know you want a work out… so let’s just head out to the nighblorhood and do one.. 
Like just walk out side
In YOUR front yard
Your neighbors who are peering at you are 
1. Jealous that you know how to have fun outside
2. Might just join you

Here ya go
In your driveway, sidewalk or street ( I do not want you to play in the street and get yourself run over… some neighborhoods where I reside do not have sidewalks, and let’s be honest: YOU ARE A GROWN ASS ADULT. LOOK FOR CARS)

10 ALT LUNGES (stationary)
REPEAT 4 TIMES—so now you are 10 houses away
Beginners: 3 sets, Intermediate: 5-7 sets, Advanced: 7-10 sets
Have a great day!!! 

Monday, October 5, 2015

"I like the way my arms giggle" -no one

I have never had a person, male or female tell me they love the ways their arms giggle, wiggle or flab around.

Men always say they want to increase their arms, that they want big guns, they want to be swole!

The ladies.. they want the bat wings to leave :)

So weather you have bat wings or chicken arms.... let's get you what you want!

It is very simple 
work out your arms
and don't forget your shoulders.... your delt "cut" highlights your arms so, ummm yeah... work that too!!

I am talking aesthetics today, not just function, yes you want your arms to be functional and you want your shoulders to be healthy too... but the simple thing is this:  you complain about the way they look so let's just talk about that!

so for the look to look amazeballs..... Bicep curls, tricep extensions and lateral delt lifts.

3 exercises... may different variations of these exercises alone, not to mention completely different exercises available but for here, for this workout, just these three...

Bicep curl~~ you can hammer curl if you like, the hammer curl is way more lots ton easier than a regular curl and I see guys doing this ALL THE TIME thinking they are curling, and they are... but it is a hammer curl. It is easier, still effective for what we are doing, so feel free

hammer curl palms face in

 barbell curl palms face up

dumbell curl palms face up 

Triceps Dips or Extensions.. I prefer dips when you are starting out, Extensions if you have no machinery and hardly ever do I have clients do "kickbacks" We can talk about why later, but remember YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER EXCUSE WHY NOT TO EXERCISE!!!!  

DIPS-- start here

 Extensions (standing and the MOST DIFFICULT) Keep your back still!!

Seated Extension (this one is easier on the back)

Lying Extension (most complicated)

And Finally... Shoulders.. add that lateral shoulder raise to highlight the biggest head of the delt and make the arms just pop! I only have 1 workout pic here because everything I find has big beeefy shoulders (yay you) but questionable form. I want the weight (hands) to be ever so slightly lower than the top head of the shoulder. elbows almost perfectly straight (5 degree bend). My guy is using a tube, but holding dumbells and doing the same move (without the tube) is perfect!!

 You have the exercises now so here is the routine!!!

Have fun
Warm up and let's go!!

20 bicep curls
40 high knees
20 triceps dips
40 high knees
20 lateral raises
40 high knees
2 min break
repeat 3 to 5 times!!
Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

20 min a day


I have none o f it
I need to have a workout I can do in 20 min.

"What you need is a trainer. A trainer will push you, hold you accountable and get your form corrected."

A trainer will also cost money and then MOST (because they are skeesie used car sales men) will try to make you dependent on them.

So let's go with you are a person who is responsible... one who holds themselves accountable, one who doesn't have trainer money but wants a quick 20 min workout!

I got you!!
Here is something VERY SIMPLE but you will need a gym :)

Pullups: 50 reps total 
Seated Cable Rows: 10 reps followed by Close-Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets of 10 reps—alternate rows and pulldown 
Hyperextensions: 1 set to failure

so a pull up.... geesh the hardest most intimidating thing ever! If you are i a gym, ask the guy on the floor to show you the dip assist. He (or she) will be able to show you how to use this MOST AWESOME THING EVER to get your pull-ups done!!! 
In my dream gym I would have a smith machine and a dip assist....

If that is not an option- in your home gym buy a pull up bar. Stand on a chair so that you can start in the UP position, push the chair out of the way and descend as slow as possible.

next is the seated cable row.. ALL GYMS HAVE THIS
if you are at home you will need an anchor point and a resistant tube.. a row is a row.. you are seated (sitting) and you pull the handle to your stomach/chest.
     I get asked what about the grip: how high do I pull: where are my elbows... there are many many ways to do this exercise. You can spend HOURS watching video on the variations.... BUT LETS KEEP IT SIMPLE:   Pull the handle with a grip that is comfortable to the area where the abs meet the ribs with the shoulders in a neutral position :)

Stop over thinking this... it is suppose to be F U N
close grip pull down

close grip... so my hands are really close together gripping the bar
pull down.... I am pulling something down 

There is a machine at the gym, but if you have no gym, use your resistant tubing and secure at a high point. At home you can do this exercise seated or standing. You just need the resistance above you :)

I found this on a google search and looks like a cool porduct, here is their link

Hyperextension.... not really self explanatory.... in the gym they have an apparatus you can use, ask your guy.

at home, this becomes tricky.... you can use a ball

totally "white trash/red neck ingenuity" bend over the arm of your couch ) belly on the arm head looking at the fabric, secure your feet (IDK how to advise that) and pull your self up, with a straight back until you are looking at the wall..................but don't be this guy... he is pretty creative... he has fashioned some kind of rope to tie his self down to the table but unless you have a dominatrix near by, or maybe are a super duper knot tie-er, I am not sure this is really doable... So maybe no to this one.

That's it. simple and effective:)

Have a super day and get sweaty!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

mo'squat fun!

It has been a min or two since last we spoke.
I know that is sad for you
I know you are tired of the same ole exercises...
But no fear.... I am here to help!

OKAY so you have squats down!!  (yeah you) and you are wanting to change it up.
Now first off... Squats are magnificent creatures that will enhance your butt, strengthen your legs, and make you strong!!! 

now here is a cool variation for the days you feel adventurous.

I did them in the "sissy squat" method... This is simply using a fixed thing (in my case outdoor play equipment) to aid in upright form. 

Start with your feet (toes) under or very close to the thing you are holding on to. (so, um, yeah, not like a chair or something that moves... use something that is fixed, otherwise you are gonna go plop and ow!)

you are still standing
your feet and knees should be touching
then simply open up your feet so that your heels stay together but your toes point out!

your knees will naturally open up as well..

add the squat move

here is the tricky part
1. knees stay behind the toes just like a normal squat
2. knees will naturally try to pull apart... resist this
     2.a: your knees will be apart
     2.b: do not force your knees open or shut
     2.c: keep tension and mind focus on keeping your knees together to resist the outward movement of your knees!

and you simply go up and down 20 times
for real go slow
and deeper
unless you are sitting on the ground (which if you use proper from is IMPOSSIBLE) then you can go deeper!!!

you will feel this in the glutes (butt) with an extra fun emphasis on the outer glute :)
yay and fun

how about a workout to go with it?

20 heel tight sissy squats
40 jumping jacks
26 high knees
2.5 minute jog/run/walk
30 sec rest
and repeat!

Let's do 5 sets for beginners, 10 for in the middlers, and 20 for the advanced!!

Have a super awesome day :)

Monday, August 10, 2015

I have NO time to stretch... then MAKE IT

I hear (and sadly have been guilty of) "I have no time to stretch"
I have taught group ex for about 25 years and have tried every trick in the book to get y'all to stretch when class is done.. I have stopped the cardio or lifting/strength portion 15 min before the scheduled class time and Y'ALL LEAVE! I incorporated stretching with AB's (Pilates anyone?) and you complain.


Now I have worked with Professional Athletes, including linesmen ---BIG BULKY MAN-MANS --- and THEY STRETCH. Goodness, an NFL center is more flexible than you!!

But, I know..... it's like this: you can tell me to eat kale chips all day and you know what? I ain't even gonna buy them cuz I am not going to eat them... So I can do everything I can to try and get you to stretch, but you are not going to do it until you get hurt.

BUT on the outside chance that today is the day you have decided.... "well I will do 2 stretches for myself", then I have them.. You are ready! I am so excited for you!!!


Simple: stand with your whole body (check out the feet, even the toes are facing the table) and get your leg up on the table!
THIS WORKS GREAT AT A DINNER PARTY YOU DON'T WANT TO BE AT, OR YOU ARE HOSTING AND PEOPLE WON'T LEAVE!! hahahah time to go folks, no really it is midnight and I still have to do the dishes... for real, can you go to YOUR house? well okay then, I am going to stretch!

hahahaha.. sometimes I get silly

back to it: you just flop your leg up there and hang out for a commercial break.
second stretch is pic 2... bend your knee 
it hurts in a GOOD way (that is like when the doctor says you are gonna feel some pressure :) )

now look at pic 3. Don't be this person.. back all rounded, head down... O.M.Gosh! stop that is not stretching anything in any way that you could ever want to stretch! geesh

Have fun and STRETCH!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

YO!! Better backside with a step up!

The step up is steptacular. It is easy. It is hard.
Like most things, FORM is the key. This is a great complimentary exercise to do with squats. Single leg squats (aka lunges) are very difficult and this is a good alternative.

Now before you get all…. My knees, my back…. Geesh people calm down, we are gonna have FORM and you are gonna be amazeballs.

SO pic 1: FULL FOOT… look at your foot, is it ALL THE WAY ON THE BENCH? Really, all the way? Your heal needs to be completely on the bench so that you can press your heal into the bench. This is the most common mistake: you don’t actually put your full foot on the bench so you have your weight in your toes, causes you to lean forward, causes your knee to align past your toes, and causes more knee pain and back pain….
So this whole foot on the bench thing is pretty important
Get your foot on the flippity flappity bench
Then it is simple, climb up on the bench.

Check out picture second set of pics: these are for when you cannot get up without hoisting, jarring, swinging or dying... The alternative 

Picture 1 second set: This is a great alternative... See how I am using the back of the bench to help? Yep... But let's look at the form... I am leaning over the bench, but my foot is still flat and my knee is not forward... Pic 4 shows BAD YUCKY NASTY form that is common :( the knee is way far forward... the heal is up... the back is arched.... 
avoid being pic 4!!!

Look at the second set pic one.... chin up, back flat, heal down, knee back... then BOTH pic 2's show slight variation of heal, BUT they are down, back flat, knee back!! It is totally doable.

The key to avoid looking like 3 and 4 is to use the leg to lift you up NOT the arms :)

So here is your workout (aka round):

2 min walk/jog
10 step ups right, 10 step ups left
2 min walk/run
15 step ups right, 15 step ups left
3 min walk/run
20 step ups right, 20 step ups left
5-7 walk/run

and repeat that bad boy:
beginner try for three rounds
intermediate 5 rounds
advanced 7 rounds

Thursday, July 23, 2015

What the Squat man..

Squats.... almost my fav exercise
Burpees always win, mainly because everyone  hates them, they are hard and well when you are done (whether it is one or 75, you feel like a bad ass).

But squats are amazeballs

and since have a big firm booty is all the rage EVERY ONE WANTS TO DO THEM

but then I hear how they hurt my knees, they hurt my back, I can't do them. 
Honestly, everyone has an excuse as to why they can't.... you need to find your WHY YOU CAN.

Or your "HOW CAN I NOT?"

You need a simple squat solution.

Guess what I have?? A simple squat solution.
Back when dirt was new, we called these "sissy squats".. It is a reference to being a "sissy" and not being able to do a squat properly.
Well, I can do a squat quite well, and honestly, the sissy squat is amazing! 

you engage the butt
you protect the knees
you protect the back

Pic 1 shows standing..(duh) I am standing with my feet a little wider than hip width. I am pretty close to the bar I am holding... (btw, you can hold any fixed object... a tree, column at your house, stair case rail... as long as you can hold on to it, it works :)
Anyway  pic 1 I am standing, holding on to the bar, feet a little wider than hip distance.

pic 2 is the squat. notice that my arms have weight in them.. you can tell I am holing on, BUT I am not leaning INTO the pole, in fact, I am leaning OUT of it! my knees are behind my forefoot (they are over my heals), my back is TALL, eyes and head are forward facing :) check out those knees and feet again.... they are in a line.... my knees are not bowing out, caving in, my heals are DOWN :)

Pic 3 is an advanced option... look at those feet, look at them: the are TOUCHING!!! OMG!!! this is a great advanced move :) ~~ the thing with bringing your feet in close to each other is this: you need to keep your feet and knees in the same line.  

(side note.... even as a trainer I fail and fall: look at that flabby arm. It happens, I eat dirty and indulge more than I should... but like YOU, I am going to get back at it!)

here's your work out:
Monday   Wednesday   Friday:
10 sissy squats
20 jumping jacks
10 sissy squats
20 jumping jacks
10 sissy squats
20 jumping jacks

do this "set" 3 times as a beginner and try to progress to 10 sets over the course of 30 days!!!!

You got this!!!!!