Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Get the whole family moving

A fit family is agood thing, but if you are not currently a fun loving bike riding "fit" family, it can be hard to start. Video games and Netflix (both of which my family loves) can be hard to do in moderation.... BUT let's look at some simple ways to bring some fun fitness into your family
  • Friendly competition... These daily/weekly chores: vacuuming, cutting the grass, washing the car, or cleaning closets and so forth burn calories and give muscles a workout.Turn in into a cometition by having a prize for the "winner".. give one "chore" to each person, or team of two and the first one done gets to pick the movie or activity! Then look...BAM you have ANOTHER great bonding activity!!!!
  • Go to the park! Go to ALL THE PARKS! What a concept. Check online for a complete list of parks by you, then make a plan to go to ALL OF THEM over the next 6,8 12 weeks... You can put a map or a list on the fridge and mark them off. Some parks ROCK and some well let's just say it will be a short trip to those! Pack a lunch, plan a little cookout on the park grill, it's is MORE bonding time and more play time. bring a frisbe and laugh at your families lack of skill. bring a ball and see how awesome your family is at catch! Have fun with this!!!
  • Walk the dog. I can go on a huge rant here about dog owners who never walk thier dogs.... but let's just say, WALK YOUR DOG. If your dog doesnt walk on a leash, it is your fault for NOT EVER WALKING YOUR DOG and now is the time to start!
  • Dance, dance, dance. Turn on the radio and dance! It doesn't matter how amazing you are or how much dance skill you lack, dancing in your house is F.U.N. and kids love it. 
Simple things to get your family moving. Simple activites to encourage a healthier lifestyle, not to mention all the bonding and memories you will make with your kiddos!!! 

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